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Sauber Loses Appeal Against Van Der Garde

The appeal lodged by the Sauber F1 team yesterday after the Supreme Court of Victoria ruled that Giedo Van Der Garde should drive for them was dismissed today.

The appeal, that was lodged yesterday, was deferred till today. The court decided to dismiss the appeal on grounds that the appeal itself was not “in the interest of justice.”

Sauber’s argument on safety grounds was rejected outright by the court. A statement from the court said that because of the highly regulated environment of F1, all the safety requirements would be complied with before Van Der Garde gets into the car.

Sauber need to decide who they are going to put into their cars. The argument on safety grounds is a valid concern yet Sauber themselves have allowed Pedro de la Rosa to drive for them in 2011 when Sergio Perez was declared unfit to drive. De la Rosa was called in on the Friday afternoon. This may have been a completely different set of circumstances but the precedent was set at the time.

About Ritesh K Bhana

Ritesh likes to think he is a true Tifosi, but he still remains fair to other teams. He supports two other teams which are not Red Bull and McLaren. Follow Ritesh on twitter @Humanshield_1

One Response to “Sauber Loses Appeal Against Van Der Garde”


  1. […] ongoing legal battle between Giedo van der Garde and Sauber meant that they did not run any of their cars for the […]

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