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Refueling set to return to F1 in 2017

The Formula 1 strategy group met yesterday in Biggin Hill to discuss the state of the sport and exchange views on the current challenges F1 faces.

Not only were the teams invited to the meeting, but engine manufacturers were also invited.

The current V6 engines will remain but will be higher reving to increase the noise levels. The suggestion for a 5th engine has been rejected.

“The allowance for a 5th engine to be used during the 2015 season has been rejected,” read the statement from the FIA.

Some of the changes discussed were:

For 2016 the teams will have a choice of two dry compounds(out of 4) per race. This means that the teams can choose any tyre compound they feel is right for a race.

In 2017 there will be new rules regarding aerodynamics, wider tyres and weight reduction to the cars which will make them 5-6 seconds a lap quicker.

Refueling will be introduced with a maximum race fuel allowance. The introduction of refueling is one that fans have been calling on for years. It will mean drivers can drive closer to the limit. If tyre rules are tweaked, it could mean more durable tyres that will make racing much more exciting.

These suggestions need to be ratified by the F1 Commission and the World Motor Sport Council who will meet in July.

About Ritesh K Bhana

Ritesh likes to think he is a true Tifosi, but he still remains fair to other teams. He supports two other teams which are not Red Bull and McLaren. Follow Ritesh on twitter @Humanshield_1

One Response to “Refueling set to return to F1 in 2017”


  1. […] – were proposing a series of changes aimed at spicing up the F1 show. The changes include the return of refuelling in 2017, higher noise levels and aerodynamic rule changes, amongst […]

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